Went out for a long trip with family last month to Andaman s after a long long time . The islands out there are simply amazing, abundant with corals and crystal clear waters. Took this shot while on our way to Elephanta beach, Havelock Island from a speedboat.
There were a few uprooted trees @ the beach (as a result of tsunami!). This one provided a perfect frame to click through. The combination of white sand and deep hues of the sea served the right color composition.
Pretty uncommon scene for the mainland beaches of the Indian peninsula but quite common in these islands. Had only seen a swimming pool with such clear water prior to this! Took this shot @ Radhanagar beach, Havelock Island
The color of the water had just left me spellbound! My D5000 was already on fire!
This series comprises of snaps taken during my last year`s trip(2009) to Uttrakhand and few other places.
Spotted this old man @ Kushalnagar near Madikeri(Coorg) while shopping in the Tibetan market. He was gazing with amazement at me while I was trying to capture his face on my cam.
I came across this 'saadhu' while I was rushing downhill after visiting the holy shrine of Kedarnath. He posed immediately even before I could get my camera into position. But later, I realized his kindly gesture demanded some kind of donation! As he started cursing me when I continued my journey downhill after clicking his picture!
These porters earn their livelihood only during the summer season when the roads are cleared for the devotees to visit the holy shrine of 'Hemkund Sahib' situated at a height of 14000 ft. This one like many others had stopped to take rest at the summit. His eyes spoke more than I could even think of! Gazing at the white peaks with a worried and weary look while the freezing Himalayan wind blew across his face.
I still don`t know what this man was up to, sitting under a tree near a temple in Joshimath. He somehow caught my attention and I also did n `t hesitate to capture this moment in my camera.
Smoking along with a group of females there was an unusual kind of expression at her face, something portraying a deep sense of satisfaction. However, I was not concerned much about it at that point of time while I was on my clicking spree!
Finally the rains have taken a break after three months! The blue skies littered with pieces of clouds all around provide perfect backdrop for shooting a landscape. This weekend I took off with my bike and cam to explore new places around the city. Bordered by the Arabian sea on one side and surrounded by western ghats on the other ends, places to explore are infinite. However this time I landed somewhere in the hills between the airport and Mangalore petrochemical refinery(have planned my future weekends also to explore this area). Clicked few interesting pattern of leaves while beating around the bush :P.
It was another casual weekend and rain Gods had no plans to stop!
Once again I was trapped at home wondering over what to click this time. Once more it was "luck by chance". My friend had just received these lovely carnations from his someone(special) and coincidentally I also had bought a few packets of silica gel the same evening to stuff into the glass bowl lying empty on my table.
It was again a result of wild imagination and I started clicking random shots, placing the hydrated silica gel balls on the carnations in different positions. The "usb" light came in handy to focus the much needed "directional" light.
It was a usual rainy weekend and had nothing special planned, rains were there to spoil any well crafted plan.
Others were busy with there usual weekend smoking business in the corner of a room. I just started clicking random pics and slowly the pics became more and more interesting. Used a table lamp to back lit the smoke and landed with a handful of pics!
Negi lighting the custom made cigar.
Apprentice Supriyo following his master.
Took this shot of sleeping crocodile long ago at Mysore zoo. At first sight seems to be wooden carvings! Still tough to guess!
I snapped this baby's expression about a year ago while waiting at the railway crossing near Lucknow.
The lens zooming in and out of my P80 caught the baby's attention which I was obviously trying to avoid, but that instead provided me with a splendid shot!!
After a while, the baby was back to normal and started playing around. This time the baby's action caught my action and neither did I delay in capturing the moment!!
Look into his eyes was captivating! Took this shot a couple of weeks ago at Valliyaparamba backwaters, Kerala. I was not sure of what the kid was looking at, but surely contributed towards an interesting composition!
I have been visiting this beach for quite a long time now and the wave formations here always excited me.
Most of the times I did n `t have my camera with me, so was planning since long to capture the waves at this beach. This evening seemed to be the perfect time, grabbed my cam and tripod and headed straightaway for Ullal beach. The sun had already set by the time I reached over there and rains came splashing down as I started unfolding up my equipment. Another day wasted- I thought but soon the rains disappeared and left behind the skies wet in golden. Not another second to waste and my D5000 was already into action!
I just went crazy last night at the thought of that hadn`t clicked any pics
for a long time. It was time to bring out my cam but @ midnight had nothing to shoot.
So I simply started clicking pics of my friend, one after the other we came up with new ideas. We kept clicking for almost an hour and processed the pics the following day. These are some of the pics that I finally settled down with.
That piece of chain came in handy to be used as a prop which was lying at one corner of the room for quite a long time.
Yoga@the Peak
Have been clicking such pics for quite a time now, thought of completing a series comprising of such pics.
Have no definite name for such pics, but surely they all fall in the same category..;)
and will also gave me a good reason to put my new Dslr to some good use
Me and my friend Kunal were experimenting with our SLRz on the way to Ooty, trying to come up with something new and this is what we came up with.
All pics have been taken in single shot mode(no burst modes used!).

The pics below were shot at a village(SubannaKuppi) near Mysore on the Bangalore highway.
This was our second visit to the same place, may be will visit again as am simply falling in love with that place!
Kunal and Zorri in action!!
Tips for great Pictures!!
Look your subject in the eye
Direct eye contact can be as engaging in a picture as it is in real life. When taking a picture of someone, hold the camera at the person's eye level to unleash the power of those magnetic gazes and mesmerizing smiles. For children, that means stooping to their level. And your subject need not always stare at the camera. All by itself that eye level angle will create a personal and inviting feeling that pulls you into the picture.
Use a plain background
A plain background shows off the subject you are photographing. When you look through the camera viewfinder, force yourself to study the area surrounding your subject. Make sure no poles grow from the head of your favorite niece and that no cars seem to dangle from her ears.
Use flash outdoors
Bright sun can create unattractive deep facial shadows. Eliminate the shadows by using your flash to lighten the face. When taking people pictures on sunny days, turn your flash on. You may have a choice of fill-flash mode or full-flash mode. If the person is within five feet, use the fill-flash mode; beyond five feet, the full-power mode may be required. With a digital camera, use the picture display panel to review the results.
The flash will brighten up people's faces and make them stand out. Also take a picture without the flash, because the soft light of overcast days sometimes gives quite pleasing results by itself.
Auto focus problems
Sometimes the object for focus is too small compared to its background, for example you are trying to focus onto a single thin and tiny leaf, the camera may not be able to auto-focus on it. So place fist or any other object nearby the leaf and allow the camera to auto-focus at that position. Thereafter remove the object and click your shot!! I took snapped those red-ants on the orchids in a similar way.